Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Simple Machines At Home !

Okee , so hi! Well i'm here to show you simple machines at home!
There are a lever, inclined plane , screw, wheel & axle , pulley , and wedge! These are just some things.. take a look.. (:

Hard to see! :/ but this is a pulley! This is how an automatic garage door opener opens! This is also found in my garage! is hard to see but it is a lever! It's a stick shift inside of my parents car! Lever's make things easier to shift or change.

This is an Inclined Plane. This is a bag toss hole thingg. An inclined plane makes it easier to go up or down. I found this also in my garage.

This is a wheel & axle. I am in a car and the steering wheell is the wheel & axle. This makes it easier to turn!

This is a shovel , it is a wedge. It makes things easier because it goes into the ground and and it keeps things from touching. I found this is my garage.

This is a screw. I found this simple machine in my father's toolbox. It makes the proccess easier because it can hold things and hold them together.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Inclined Planes, Wedge, Screw

Simple Machines ;

- Wedge


-Inlcined Plane makes work easier by breaking an upward or downward movement into smaller imprants.

-Wedge is two inclined planes back to back. It keeps things from touchingg.

-Screw is an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder.
-An inclined plane is an example of a HILL.
-Screw is well , a screw.
& A wedge is like a shovel going into thee ground.(:

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Okeeeee ; soooo...

Simple machiness from left to rightt ;

Lever ; Pulley ; Wheel&Axle.

Lever is used to balance things.

Pulley is used to lift heavy things.

Wheel&Axle is used to turn things .

a Lever has 2 primary uses ;

lift foce and increase speed.

Machines cannot create energy

3 class or levers load;fulcrum;effert;

Wheel & Axle ;

wheel doesn't need to be roun just able to move in a circle.

pulley changes the direction of a force

A lever can be used as a teetor-totter. hehe(:

a Pulley can be a elevator.

Wheel & Axle can be a doorknob.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Fashion Show.(:

Okee , we had a fashion show where we had to make a peice of jewelery out of junk!(:

it was fun. no lie.(:

I took a wedge from an 8-track player.

I made earring with purple spray paint ; glitter ; andddd..feathers!(:

My inspiration was all the styles that are 'in' now.

Feathers & Glitter are deffanatley in.(:

The earrings i thought would be fun because i NEVER where earrings..at all.

My simple machince was a wedge.

The usefullness of the wedge is to keep things from hitting each other!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

About Megan(:

Okee. So , hi .. my name is Megan Kae first & middle right there(:
My favorite color is Purple & Orange.
Favorite Animal- Kitty (:

I love Hello Kitty & Air Jordan(:

100% Swag heree. [=

I'm a cheerleader & i love gymnastics.

I love Justin Bieber , & my favorite movie charaters are Peter Pan , Sleeping Beauty & Thomas the train.(:

My music is Hip Hop/Rap/R&B.

Oh ; & I'm pretty. :')

That's about ittt.(: